Every year Hudson Montessori School graduating 8th graders deliver a speech at commencement.  The theme is a reflection on their growth at HMS.  The speeches invariably convey stories about our teachers’ positive impact on the growth of our students.  Our graduates laud their teachers for their excellence in the “science of teaching” as well as the “art of teaching.”

Our teachers excel in the “science of teaching” because of the intensive training and breadth of experience they bring to Hudson Montessori School.  Examples of this include:

Examples of this include:

  1. 89% of our faculty have advanced degrees.  These advanced degrees include certification programs in Montessori teaching practices.  
  2. Hudson Montessori School teachers average 12 years of experience at our school.  We have several teachers with more than 20 years of experience.  
  3. Hudson Montessori School spends nearly $1,000 each year on professional development per faculty member.  These opportunities allow our faculty to remain aware of current research that supports student learning.  
  4. Hudson Montessori School is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States.  In the accreditation process, ISACS ensures that our faculty is of high quality.

Our teachers exhibit the “art of teaching” in the ways they find each child’s unique path to success.  My 18 years of experience in independent school leadership in several high-performing schools gives me the experience to say that Hudson Montessori School teachers know the art of understanding children.   They deeply know and respect the children they teach. They are gifted at forming close and productive relationships with parents.  Informed by the science of teaching, this “art” is powerful and real.  Hudson Montessori School families often site this “art” as critical to the success their children enjoy.

