Science experiments for kindergartners are so much fun! At this age, children are full of wonder and amazement, and they delight in learning how or why things work. Check out these age-appropriate picture books about science.

Kate, Who Tamed the Wind by Liz Garton Scanlon and Lee White (2018)

How do you tame a wind that has been creating havoc in the life of a man on the top of a hill? A girl named Kate solves the problem with a wheelbarrow and some young trees. Teach your children about the importance of trees through this lovely little story.

Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty (2016)

Curiosity leads one girl from fact to fact. Ada is always asking “Why?” and her questions bring about some interesting adventures. Embrace the scientist in your child, and don’t be afraid to keep asking questions until you come to an answer!

An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Hutts Aston (2014)

Who knew that eggs could be so fascinating? Explore this quiet topic in this charming picture book that you and your children will cherish. Dianna Hutts Aston has written other science books for children that are also worth your time to find.

The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor by Joanna Cole (1994)

Let your kids grow up with The Magic School Bus and zany Ms. Frizzle! The kids in Ms. Frizzle’s class learn science by actually going on the ocean floor in their magic school bus and exploring the different life forms and natural phenomenon they find. Join the science fun with all the different Magic School Bus books!

The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle (1999)

Eric Carle’s simple firefly book celebrates lights in the dark. Let this beautiful read-aloud book inspire your children to search the night for their own lights.

NanoBots by Chris Gall (2016)

Robots can be tiny. Find out how a young inventor creates nanobots that become extremely useful. A book like this can help your young child understand what science can do when it involves very small things.

The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligman (2013)

Does your child love numbers? Find out about one boy who loved math very much, but there were some other things he didn’t learn very well. Paul Erdos led an unusual life, and he is considered a great man. Maybe math is a path your child will want to consider.

Life on Mars by Jon Agee (2017)

The silliness of Jon Agee books will get your child giggling as you introduce her to astronauts and exploring outer space. Open up the universe to your child one picture book at a time, and watch the questions light up her brain.

Sherm the Germ by Dr. John Hutton (2014)

A rhyming book may be what the doctor ordered to get your child’s mind off his runny nose and onto a knowledge of germs and viruses. Have fun while learning the best ways to get better quickly!

Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee (2006)

The thrill of a roller coaster ride fascinates children, but did you know roller coasters can also be scientific? Talk about forces and motion as you read this adventuresome picture book.

Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey (1957)

Even classic picture books are relevant to the young scientific mind. Follow the excitement of time on an island. Experience a hurricane and the aftermath. Know the peace of a certain place in nature that can also be found when you and your child visit a certain spot many times over.

Bring wonder and excitement to your child’s life through beautiful picture books, a healthy respect for nature and the world of science, and the willingness to answer all those questions that fly through your child’s brain. Enjoy these books, and enjoy your child’s own time of wonder.
