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Seven Age-Appropriate Books for Kindergartners

Seven Age-Appropriate Books for Kindergartners

With fun activities, a bit of patience, and a lot of excitement, you inspired a love of reading in your toddler. Now, your little one is ready for kindergarten, including new, age-appropriate reading material to gleefully devour during storytime. It can be hard to navigate the options available to find reading material that is educational, fun, and appropriate–but have no fear. Here is a list of books for kindergartners that makes it easy for you to continue to nurture your little one’s love of reading.

Around the World from A-Z

This book, written by Christinia Cheung and Han Tran, is best suited for five- to six-year-olds. Readers interact with the book by tracing each letter and then learning about the world through an acrostic poem. Illustrations provided by Tong Wu show readers a famous site, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, paired with a physical movement, such as acrobatics.

The World is Waiting for You

Help kids connect their current interests with possible paths for their future. This book, which is best for ages four to eight years old, bridges a child’s passion–digging in the dirt, for example–with a career path–digging for dinosaur bones as a paleontologist! Inspire your little one to follow their passions with this option by National Geographic. Kindergarten teachers rave about how their students love this book.

Last Stop on Market Street

Published in 2015 and a top-award winner from the moment it debuted, Matt de la Pena’s book follows little CJ and his grandma as they go about their day. With creativity and encouragement, CJ’s grandma highlights the fun parts of their day-to-day routine. This book is best for three to five-year-olds and is a great transition book for your preschooler.

A Seed is Sleepy

The Montessori method encourages reading about the natural world and this selection is a beautiful option. Award-winning artist Sylvia Long illustrates the complex world of seeds while author Dianna Hutts Aston leads the reader through interesting facts. If you and your child enjoy this book, you’re in luck: there are two others in the highly-rated series, A Nest is Noisy and A Butterfly is Patient.


If you’re looking for an option that your child can grow with over time, Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinski’s book of maps is a wonderful option. This book is suitable for students from kindergarten through grade 12, with each age group engaging with different features. Learn about the world and inspire your next adventure as you review beautifully drawn maps, learn about cultural traditions, and imagine visiting far-off mountain ranges.

Lost in the Woods

The authors, Carl R Sams II and Jean Stoick, are also the photographers for this “photographic fantasy.” Follow the adventure as woodland creatures fuss over a newborn fawn, who insists he is simply waiting on his mother. Littles ones aged five through eight-years-old will love seeing new forest creatures with each turn of the page.

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books

This last recommendation is for the entire series of Little Kids First Big Books, which feature brightly colored images and simple text that empower your child to read on their own. Learn about birds, bugs, or animals with books focusing on each subject, or dive into deep waters with the First Big Book of the Ocean. Use star gazing at night as a natural segue to reading the First Big Book of Space, or introduce the First Big Book of Things That Go before a summer trip.

Visit your local library to find more wonderful reading options for your kindergartener. Whichever book you select, continue to engage with your little one as they build their literacy skills.

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