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Simple and Stimulating Montessori Activities for the Home

Simple and Stimulating Montessori Activities for the Home

What do you think of when you hear the word “activity”? Do you get excited about material lists and a neat set of instructions or do you cringe at the idea of a child who may not want to participate in something you spent precious time to prepare?

Activities can be wonderful experiences for both parent and child, but in order to make the activity worthwhile and peaceful, it is important to remember that activities don’t have to be complicated. In fact, the best activities often start out very simply. They then allow for enormous, natural learning to occur along the way. The best part is that you really don’t need to spend hours preparing and gathering materials to have a successful activity with your child.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

As you journey toward doing more activities with your child, be sure to keep in mind your purpose. Before you do any activity, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Are you just trying to occupy your child so you can read your email in peace, or does the activity have a greater meaning to your child’s education? If it’s simply busy work, then it has no place in a Montessori home, and your child will likely pick up on the fact that it’s not important. On the other hand, there are many independent activities that still have value, such as the ones we have listed above. Since independent learning is vital to a Montessori education, make sure the activities are stimulating, challenging, and yet doable for your child. Take a step back, but remain close and available so that you can answer questions or adjust the activity if necessary. Watch the way your child carries out the activities. Surely, you will be amazed at the things they can learn along the way.

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